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It’s been a while since we updated and a lot has happened.


First, we completed our Indiegogo campaign. Although we didn’t make our goal, we are pleased with the end results. Thank you to everyone who contributed. We are currently working on getting the “perks” mailed out. If you haven’t received yours, it’s on its way!

The perk for us is that funds are still coming in. If anyone wishes to contribute you can do so directly through us or we’ve set up a dedicated PayPal account at


We are continuing to work on fundraising efforts and will keep you posted.


Second, through the generosity we received, we were able to complete our first full day of filming. We hired a crew, that we loved, and spent a solid day getting Gene on film.

It was beneficial for us because it gave us a foundation for the rest of the film. We were able to ask specific questions and get detailed answers from Gene. This provided us a springboard and direction on how to proceed with the film.

Although it doesn’t look like it from the picture, it was fun. Dad (Gene) got to tell his stories to ‘new blood.’ We were able to get the feedback from the film crew and were thrilled when they started asking questions too. We gathered quite a bit of footage and that is great.


Another one of the perks for us has been connecting with so many people. Some are past subscribers of ROUND TABLE. It’s always fun to catch up and find out what’s new with them. Others are people we haven’t meet but who felt compelled to share their stories. It is so nice to hear that Dad’s vision of helping people work towards their dreams is going strong. In a business—and world—that can be full on negativity, it’s nice to be working on something positive. And to find out that others feel that way has been encouraging.


We are continuing to work on the film every day. I recently saw an interview with Dan Levy, the creator of Schitt’s Creek. The show was ending and they asked him how he was feeling. He said that for the last six years there hadn’t been a day where he hadn’t thought about the show. That resonated with me. Comedy Writing Guru has taken over my life. I’m constantly making notes, coming up with ideas, formulating lists of people to contact, questions I need to ask, and so on. It’s all consuming…and I LOVE every minute of it.


We get a lot of notes saying, “I can’t wait to see the finished film.” And my response is “Me too.” I’m excited about it and glad that others are too! I will keep you updated as we progress, but always feel free to contact us anytime!!